Subject: Today marks the end

Today marks the end...

Of childhood for my oldest.

Of his time in a school he has been at since the age of 4.

Of my youngest’s attending the school where he has been since age 2.

Of the supportive school community we’ve been a part of for 14 years.


My oldest (Zachary) graduates from High School.

My youngest (Noah) graduates from Middle School and into High School (and because of his baseball dreams, we have made the difficult decision to move schools).

We are ending on a high note.

We will celebrate with family and friends.

But there will be a hole that can’t ever be fully filled.

Because although we are moving on to something new - that is sure to fill us in other ways - it won’t be the same.

This celebration is bittersweet.

And you know what?

I’m okay with it.

I will not feel shame when I cry (probably buckets) at graduation. Or when I suddenly tear up in unexpected moments thanks to a song, sappy commercial or memory.

I won’t run away from these feelings or pretend I don’t have them.

It’s part of the natural course.

Of living.

And loving.

And enjoying life.

You may or may not have something similar going on in your life…

A graduation (like me).

A new job.

A career change.

A divorce.

A funeral.

Even a wedding.

But you will at some point. Because it’s part of life and living.

When life continues, differently.

It’s okay to mourn and to celebrate. It’s okay to feel sad more than expected. And it’s also okay to let these things just be.

Because it’s part of what makes life worth living.

Here’s to your next ending/beginning, Friend.



P.S. Do you have kids who have already left the nest? This is my first. Although I am a big believer that it is time and my brain is ready, my heart is not. Any words of wisdom would be welcome.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.