A colleague makes a sexist "joke" in a meeting. Uncomfortable silence (and seat-shifting) follows. But no one challenges it.
You see an antisemitic-filled post from someone you know. Your cursor hovers. Your fingers freeze. Your mind reels. And you keep scrolling.
Perhaps you comment privately to someone you already know agrees with you. But no way you say anything publicly (or to the offender).
Because what if it could offend someone? What if you aren't in the majority?
[Sidenote: popular doesn’t mean right].
And what if it becomes more widely known and you’re excluded or subjected to backlash as a result?
Staying silent means no harm, no foul. Right?
Silence eats at your soul.
Waiting for someone else to be the one to step forward has a way of making the thing you don’t like more okay. Maybe even the norm.
We’ve become a culture of spectators - willing to stay quiet when it matters most.
I’m not okay with that and am here to take a stand.
Even though this will make you uncomfortable. Even though it will lead some to unsubscribe from this newsletter.
Our leaders, our media, our social platforms – they reflect the collective character of our society. And right now, that mirror is showing us something ugly.
Today, I take a stand as a Christian. There's a specific silence that has become deafening: the rising tide of antisemitism in the West.
It must stop.
Antisemitism isn't a "political issue." It's a human rights issue. It's a moral issue.
And Jewish communities are facing increasing threats, violence, and marginalization – often with shocking silence from those who know better yet don’t say a word (due to fear).
Do I worry about potential backlash? Sure.
But I will not let it stop me from speaking up. Because bigotry and prejudice is wrong. It's evil.
[Sidenote: that's a full stop - no matter what group of people we apply this to].
Now, to you Friend…
Where have you wanted to speak up and take a stand? How might you get started?
I know what I'm asking is hard.
You’ll be opening yourself up to criticism and maybe even some backlash. It could forever change - even ruin - relationships.
So, you must choose what is right based on what you believe. And only you know what that “right” is. Just remember...
Having character isn't about what is easy but about what is right.
At the end of the day, it all comes down to who you want to be. Are you showing up as that person?
This is something we got into in today’s podcast interview, where my lovely guest (Jamie Sternberg) and I discuss what lawyers can, should and might not want to talk about on LinkedIn (or other social media channels).
This episode is mostly about how to best utilize LinkedIn for business growth. As part of this conversation, we get into what types of things to talk about on LinkedIn (including whether or not to talk about hot-button issues).
Spoiler: my guest and I don’t fully agree.
Have a listen here.