Subject: Time isn't on your side (and what to do about that)

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Now, on to the good stuff...

It's JULY!

Does that have you thinking... 
  • Whoo Hoo! It's time for BBQ, pool outings, and summer vacation, or
  • OMG how is it ALREADY half-way through this year (I've not accomplished even half of what I wanted by now)???
Perhaps you're thinking a bit of both?

Yesterday, I was pondering how quickly this year has gone and couldn't help but think about the last conversation I had with my uncle Hal (who passed away last July).

At the time of our conversation, Hal was clearly dying.  And he told me how he had big regrets.  Regrets about...
  • never remarrying (he closed himself off to all possibilities after his first marriage fell apart);
  • not having children;
  • never moving closer to my family (he lived in Houston, we're in Dallas); and
  • cancelling a Normandy trip a few years earlier because of his fear of going alone.
I'm certain there were more that he didn't vocalize.

I can attest first-hand to the list of regrets that go through your mind when you're at the end (or think that you might be).  There were many that went through my head when I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Like Hal, I remember thinking that I just needed more time.  

Time is the one thing everyone wants more of, isn't it?

Here's what you need to know about time...

Time Is NEVER On Your Side

But that doesn't mean that you need to have big regrets. Because it's not so much about how much time you have but about how you choose to spend your time.

The secret is to spend the time that you have wisely.

Don't let fear get in your way.  Instead, act courageously despite your fears.

Let go of all the stuff that's unimportant and start prioritizing YOUR true priorities.  No matter what others might think or say.  After all, it's your life.  Shouldn't you be living it your way?

And whenever you think that you're failing, ask yourself what you can learn from the experience and what that means for your next step.  When things seem impossible it's usually because you're stuck in static thinking (and merely need a course correction).

I challenge you to take the next 10 minutes to write down what YOU want most (that you haven't yet done anything about).  What changes do you want to make and/or what big dreams do you have?  

For each item on that list, start asking questions about:
  • what you'll regret if you choose not to go after it; and
  • your next step to start making it a reality.
And don't forget to ask yourself what you fear more... Trying your hardest while maybe not making it all the way or never trying in the first place?

This is an important exercise to getting more clarity around what you want out of your life and what's getting in your way of living that life (so that you can once and for all do something about it).

Believing in you!
P.S.  What you'll regret most are the things you never even try (NOT the things you did try, even if you're not 100% successful).  Keeping this front of mind is what will empower you to live a happier, more fulfilling life.
On the Blog

I know that it's sometimes difficult to (1) act courageously and get past your fears, and (2) even know what it is that you want in the first place.  Here are some articles to help you out:

Ready to Live Regret-Free for 
Success On Your Own Terms?

If you're ready to:
  1. Take charge of your thoughts and create a present, calm mind for less stress and more self-confidence.
  2. Get clarity around what you really want and how to make it happen.
  3. Replace fear and self-doubt with mental strength + resilience so you can make your big dreams a reality.
  4. Leverage your unique strengths, voice, and skills in your personal and professional life for a bigger impact.
Let's chat.  
Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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