Subject: This was a [metaphorical] punch to the gut

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NOTE: Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  

I seriously hope you stick around ;-), but if you no longer want to receive emails from me, you can unsubscribe by tapping Unsubscribe at the bottom of this email.

Now, on to the good stuff...

I’ve worked hard to teach my kids to not allow fear get in the way of them trying new things and truly LIVING their lives.  This lesson has been especially difficult for my oldest son Zachary.  

The thought of being around a large group of people, especially when older kids are part of the group, used to give Zachary panic attacks.  He's worked hard to overcome this and I can proudly announce that he recently attended a baseball camp and took the ACT, both with mostly high-school kids (Zachary is only 13).

We talked about how far he's come yesterday and, as his mother, I thought it only right to keep pushing him to get out of his comfort zone.  I reminded him that he's been avoiding trying out a new youth group at Church (that both his father and I believe he'd enjoy).

When I brought this up, he listed about a million excuses of why not to go.  And that's when it hit me...

I've been doing the EXACT same thing when it comes to my business.

**Gut punch**

As a kid, I didn't fit in.  Because of that, I was made fun of often and sometimes was just plain ignored.  These experiences created within me a deep-seated fear of being rejected.

Although I do step beyond this fear every time I send you an email and each time I publish a new article, I'm still allowing my fear to hold me back.

Did you know that I have a group coaching program?  Yeah, I didn't think so.

I've been afraid to promote it to you (or anyone) because of my fear that...
  • no one will be interested (which is pretty stupid since more than a few of you have asked for a group program since I started this business);
  • you'll unsubscribe from my newsletter; and
  • you'll complain that I'm trying to sell you something.
I know that this fear isn't rational.  I have a business and I need to make money for my family just like everyone else.  And if you (or anyone) leave over it, then you're not the right fit.  

Yet, after being in business for almost 2 years, I haven't sent one stand-alone sales email because of my fear.  Even though I know that psychologically it's the BEST way to get people's attention and fill my coaching programs with the right people.

To help me get past this fear, I went through an exercise last night (that I'm teaching you below).  

And now I'm now ready to start telling people about my programs in stand-alone emails describing what they are, who they're for, and how they can help you.  I won't be bombarding you, but you'll receive them upon occasion.  Otherwise, I'll have a theoretical group program 2 years from now that no one will have benefited from (which would suck).

Ready for your success strategy?

Everyone has fears that hold them back.  The key is to become aware of your fears and to be honest about how they're holding you back.  If you don't do that, then how on earth will you ever get past your fears?

Here's what to do:
  • STEP 1: Identify a deep-seated fear that you've had for a long time.  Name it and get honest about exactly what you're afraid of and why.
  • STEP 2: Identify what this fear is holding you back from.  What do you dream of doing that you're too afraid to do?
  • STEP 3: Ask yourself what you'd do if this fear magically disappeared.  Identify how you'd behave, how you'd feel should you take action, and how it would change your life.  Keep analyzing the "what if" for as long as you can.
This simple exercise will raise your awareness to how much your fear is holding you back and will help you to see what's possible.  Your mind will start getting into planning and action mode (which automatically starts to diminish your fear).

I'm not asking you to take action (remember, you're just imagining it right now). But you might just decide to do it once you go through this process.

There's magic in facing your fears head-on.  It's where courage begins.

Supercharge your ability to get past your fear and start taking full-out control of your life by reading about how to use 7 Effective Confidence-Building (and Fear-Busting) Tools here.  

One last thing before you go.  Reply back to this email and tell me the one fear that's been holding you back the most.  What is it and how has it been holding you back?  

Not only will I read your response, but I'll get back to you with words of encouragement and/or a few pointers too.

All my best,
P.S.  I'll be sending you information about my new group program soon, so be on the lookout.  And if you leave over it, then I'll be sad (but I won't die, so there's that).

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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