Subject: This one's a must read [14 Invaluable Life Lessons Breast Cancer Taught Me]

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
Have you ever noticed that humans tend not to learn the most obvious (and best) life lessons until forced to? 

I'm talking about having to go through tough circumstances and events before embracing lessons we knew about before (yet, for whatever reason, chose not to apply to ourselves).

Why bring this up?  Because last month marked 6 years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  And, as always happens, it got me reflecting upon my cancer "journey" and what I've learned from it.

This week, I want to share with you 14 Invaluable Life Lessons Breast Cancer Taught Me.

Today's article is important.  So, read it.  A few minutes of your time could change your day (even your life) for the better.

Additionally, I ask that you reflect on each of the lessons discussed in the article.  Ask yourself whether you embrace them (or whether you hear them, nod approvingly, and then forget about them or think that you can't yet apply them to you).

Because, if you agree with these life lessons, then there's ZERO REASON not to apply them to YOUR LIFE.  You may think that it's easier for me because of what I've been through.  But if you do, why would you think that (and what does that say about your life and how you're choosing to live it)?

I talk a lot about choice - and the fact that you get to choose the life you live (and how you feel, think, etc.).  It's time to make a choice (for you)...

All my best,


P.S. I went LIVE last week on my Facebook Page to discuss My #1 Secret to Achieving My Goals and 3 BIG Goal-Setting Mistakes to Stop Doing Now.  Included in last week's session was a powerful exercise to help you determine whether you've been going after some "should's" in your life (so you can DROP them and start doing what YOU really want).  If you've had trouble determining whether something is a "should" or not, I recommend you watch it.  You'll find it on my Facebook Page.

P.P.S. I"ll be going LIVE again tonight at 6:00 CST (7:00 EST) to discuss the 3 Secrets to Setting the Right Goals for Yourself.  Be sure to follow my Facebook Page if you want to be notified of when I'm live (including tonight).

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