Subject: This is what I tell all my clients

Why NOT to shy away from - or feel bad about - selling.

“I haven’t had much time. And my past efforts haven’t produced results.”

Said a prospective client about why she hadn’t done any marketing, networking or other business development activities in (many) months.

I hear a form of this from virtually everyone who reaches out to work with me (whether it’s for business coaching, self-leadership coaching or the group mastermind).

  • Too busy.

  • No time.

  • Past efforts haven’t produced.

It might surprise you to find out that the problem has nothing to do with time or being busy or even WHAT is on their to-do list (they keep ignoring).

So, what IS the problem?

Their brain is going wild trying to plan around every contingency, overthinking how to get started. Which creates total overwhelm.

But the truth is that the formula for success is simple:

  • Do what works.

  • Drop what doesn’t.

  • Be consistent.

What that really boils down to is taking action. Action brings clarity. And thinking about something isn't the same thing as taking action.

One of the BEST ways to help you take action without feeling overwhelmed is through systematizing.

Systematizing might not sound exciting. But systems and processes are the key to freeing up more time for the things you want. They make it easier to delegate AND increase productivity for all involved.

What's not exciting about that, Friend?

That's why I had to bring on today's Life & Law Podcast guest (talking about systematizing lights her up).

Join me and guest Allison Williams >>>here to find out why - and how - to systematize within your work and life.



Attention Private Practice Lawyers

Have you heard that I’m hosting FREE quarterly workshops - called the Life & Law Learning Series?

One hour of FREE training designed to help you achieve more of what you want (but without the stress, overthinking or overwhelm).

The first workshop is all about how to improve client development ROI, and is being held on September 15th at 11:30 AM CST / 12:30 PM EST.

This is for you if you’re a private practice lawyer who wants more clients, revenues, and income (without spending so much time that it feels like it's not even worth it).

Register >>>here (and come ready to learn + ask questions).

Not in private practice?

Be on the lookout for future workshops where we’ll cover topics such as: goal setting and achievement, boundaries, emotional intelligence, authentic leadership and much more!

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful.