Subject: This is uncomfortable (because it's true)

She didn't want to hear it. . . But I was determined to say it.

It was the Summer of 1990, and my friend *Anna* was dating a cute boy who was pressuring her to do things she didn't want to do. [Okay, so Anna wasn't her real name. I've changed it.]

Anna was super smart and destined for a great college. Yet she didn't always think clearly when it came to her boyfriend. 

My worries around whether I'd offend her and how she'd react almost stopped me.

. . . Until I realized that my real worry was what might happen if I stayed silent.

How did she react?  I could feel the house shaking as she slammed the door on her way out.  

But then she broke up with him.  [And even thanked me a couple of months later].

Listen up. Here's why I shared this. . .

Life is full of outside-of-your-comfort-zone-moments where you get to choose between doing what's hard and scary (but right) versus letting your fears and doubts stop you.

How will you choose, Friend?



P.S. This week's Life & Law Podcast tackles an outside-of-your-comfort-zone thing for most attorneys (really, most people): how to sell without feeling awkward or salesy. It's must-listen for private practice attorneys & anyone else who sells in your business.

P.P.S. Ready to face your fears and confidently realign both career + life around what’s most important to you (and let go of all of the rest)? Here's how I can help.

Recent Podcast Episodes

Whether you're in private practice, in-house or not even an attorney, there's something here for you.  Here are some recent episodes:
About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.
Host of the Life & Law Podcast.  

Lover of queso & dark chocolate who's on a mission to help lawyers + other driven professionals reignite the spark that made you choose your career in the first place.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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