Subject: This is for your sanity

Yes, I'm breaking my one newsletter per week rule.

But stick with me Friend because I have something that's going to help keep you sane during this unprecedented time of disruption.

Although I've been working from home for several years, I often attend networking events, lunches and coffee dates.  And even though I'm not home alone, being trapped with my husband and two boys has me feeling simultaneously too-close-for-comfort yet isolated.

I know I'm not the only one.

The disruption to our lives, our businesses, and our income right now (and corresponding stress, anxiety and worry) pretty much. . . sucks.

The one thing I know for sure is that we must connect with and support one another during this time.  Humans are made for connection, and we need it more than ever in times like this.

And given that the #1 thing that came up in the survey I just conducted is mindset, I want to do my part in helping you stay calm and not get stuck in fear. [FYI, if you haven't read my email from earlier this week on dealing with fear, read it here.]

That's why I'm starting a weekly virtual meetup starting tomorrow for the purpose of connecting + supporting one another.

I'm doing this without overthinking it, planning too much around it or worrying about whether anyone will even show up.

I'm doing this because I NEED to connect with others.  And I know that you need that too.

Weekly Support + Conversation: What to Expect

Here's what to expect:
  • I'll start each meeting with an actionable tip or tool to help you better manage  this difficult time.
  • The majority of time will be open for Q&A, support, and general conversation.
  • We'll continue this weekly into the foreseeable future so long as I'm healthy and able to host.
Some meetings will likely be short, others might be longer (it will depend on how many show up).

There are no rules, other than to be kind and don't hold back (ask questions,  request support and offer relevant guidance).  And because this is new, I also ask that you be patient (there are certain to be a few glitches).  

Our first virtual meeting will take place tomorrow, March 20th at 11:00 am CST/Noon EST.

>>>Register here to join tomorrow's inaugural virtual meet-up (via Zoom).

I'm limited on the number of attendees so if you want to be there, you MUST register and be sure to join early!

Hope to see you tomorrow!


P.S. Last week was your last chance to fill out my survey . . . until the craziness made me forget to send a reminder. So, I'm asking you to PLEASE take my quick survey if you haven't so that I can serve you better.

P.P.S. If Fridays at noon EST don't work for you, hit reply and let me know what does work. I'm open to changes to date/time for future meetings.
About Heather
Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Ready for help with becoming successful from the inside-out (and not just on paper)? 

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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