Subject: This is a win-win

A couple of weeks ago, I had lunch with a dear friend who is also an online business owner.

We talked about our struggles. And our breakthroughs.

She got me thinking about ways to help more people still using a 1-to-1 model. [It’s hard to explain, but currently percolating so stay tuned].

I shared with her my time-saving process for how to quickly craft emails and posts that people actually enjoy reading.

We hadn’t talked in a long time. Too busy.

So we told ourselves.

I cannot overstate the value of us finally getting together. To be in the room together, talking 1-to-1.

Because that’s where:

  • Connections are made.

  • Trust forms.

  • You get fully supported.

  • Inspiration happens.

  • People are transformed.

These past two years have taken some of this away, haven’t they Friend?

You’ve become more isolated, less connected. We all have.

Especially with those that aren’t in your close inner circle.

The problem is that human beings need to feel connected to other humans. And not just to a select few but on a larger scale too.

We need to feel that we belong to a larger group. It brings more purpose to life.

And when you limit your circle, you limit your worldview. Which then limits your choices and outcomes (while also making you less likely to empathize and find common ground with anyone not exactly like you).

The impact is vast and far-reaching. On you, those you love and the world.

Which brings me to my point…

Broaden both your inner and outer circles. Get in the room with more people.

You’re a reflection of the people who surround you. Not just your core inner circle, but the wider one as well.

And broadening your circle enables you to thrive. While also helping more people to thrive. It's a win-win.



P.S. Ready to broaden your inner circle with an expert who can help you get to your next level of success? Schedule a Breakthrough Call with me >>>here.

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About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals become happily successful.

Learn more about me >>>here.