Subject: This has always bothered me

A lot of coaches promise easy success, and that all you need is the right mentality.

Sorry, not true. There's more to it than that.

Success requires hard work and discomfort. But that doesn't mean that you can't enjoy yourself (just ask any athlete out there). For example...

I help private practice lawyers grow their business. To do that they need to devote time and energy towards things such as:
  • Speaking in front of an audience.
  • Writing about sensitive topics.
  • Networking at events.
  • Asking people for business.
A majority of lawyers don't do enough of these things to move the needle, claiming it takes too much time and effort. Which is really an excuse not to do the work because it's uncomfortable, taking a risk and putting themselves out there.

But you know what's also hard work (I'd argue even harder)?
  • Secretly worrying that your firm will one day decide that being a service partner (without your own clients) isn't enough.
  • Wasting time at networking events making small-talk (and so you leave with business cards you don't know what to do with).
  • Losing touch with prospects because you don't follow up.
  • Being afraid to ask for business, and so work is sent to a rival firm.
  • Spending a ton of time on work for clients who don't respect your efforts.
My clients learn how to choose just a couple of strengths-based strategies that make doing the "work" more enjoyable. Which means consistency and real results.

You don't have to be a lawyer to see the lesson in there, Friend.

You'll work hard doing the "right" things to succeed. And you'll also work hard by NOT doing them.

What will you choose to do?



P.S. Learn why & how to differentiate between IN the business work vs. ON the business work as a business owner in this week's Life & Law Podcast episode.

ELEVATE Attorney Business Mastermind

Are you a partner/shareholder or of counsel attorney ready to grow your law practice doing "work" that speaks to you? Check out & apply for ELEVATE Attorney Business Mastermind here:

About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.
Lover of queso & dark chocolate.  
Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals confidently create your next level of success + impact (without burning out).

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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