Subject: This can be exhausting

How often do you weigh all the pros and cons of a decision only to feel less certain about it?

Should you…

  • Listen to an unexpected opportunity?

  • Tell a friend something they need to hear but won’t like?

  • Be honest in your exit interview?

  • Say “yes” or “no” to a request from a colleague?

  • Leave early for your son’s baseball game (even though work is overflowing)?

It happens when making big decisions. And everyday decisions too.

You carefully weigh your options. Then go through every pro and con you can think of. So that you can make an informed decision.

Which somehow creates more uncertainty.

And so you agonize over it. And rethink your decision.

What’s worse is when you take so long the decision is made for you. Or the opportunity has passed you by.

Exhausting isn't it, Friend?

You’re in good company because this is common among high-achievers. I know because I used to do this myself. And so do most of my clients when they first come to me.

Part of the problem is uncertainty. Your brain doesn’t like knowing the future.

But the real problem lies with your thoughts. Because you’re thinking things like:

  • What if I fail?

  • What will people think?

  • What if I later regret my choice?

You “what if” yourself to death. On repeat.

Which creates even more doubt, insecurity and fear.

And so, you’re never all-in on your decision. Or yourself.

That’s why I’m kicking off Season 2 of the Life & Law Podcast with an issue around how to overcome overthinking.

Listen here to find out How To Stop Overthinking Hard Choices, Be More Decisive.



P.S. Want expert help to overcome overthinking starting now? Book a call with me to chat about how to work together >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals become happily successful.

Learn more about me >>>here.