Subject: They don't teach this in school

Ever seen the movie Inside-Out?

It’s probably my favorite coaching movie ever.

Yes, I said coaching (not animated movie or kids movie - and it’s both of those things too) because it shows how to think about your inner critical voice.

You know the voice well. It's the reason you:

  • Don't share your entire opinion when asked at work (and later kick yourself for it).

  • Say no to a big career opportunity (and regret it).

  • Flake out on having a tough-yet-necessary conversation with someone you love (and - again - regret it).

But there's good news because you can learn to better relate to that voice (even use it to your benefit).

This is something that took me a long time to figure out because they don’t teach this in school.

Even though they really should.

Having trouble with your inner voice right now?

Try watching the movie Inside-Out (yes, really).

Imagine your voice is like Sadness… Means well but doesn’t know how to be anything other than super negative and never knows when to stop.

Name your voice. Because he/she isn’t you.

That voice is just a survival mechanism - there to protect you.

It's time to reframe how you see him/her and take control.

Take this even further using the tools inside of this brand-new resource. I prepared this for a recent speaking event and quickly realized I had to share it with you too, Friend.

It's designed to help you rewire your mind to function at - and feel - your best.



P.S. There’s a lot that law school doesn’t teach (but should) too. Which is the topic of the week on the Life & Law Podcast.

Join me and JurisConsult founder Molly Hough to find out What Law School Leaves Out Yet Shouldn't >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.