Subject: The truth about uncertainty & fear (you can't ignore)

Do you allow fears and worries to steal your joy (even paralyze you)?  Or do you live alongside them (and enjoy life despite them)?

In normal circumstances, you might not let fears and worries get in your way.  

But we're not living under normal circumstances are we, Friend?

With the coronavirus pandemic going on, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the fear, worry and anxiety about your health, the health of loved ones, how to work while school's out, and/or the long-term effect on your career/business (and the economy).

I'm here to tell you that, although these fears and worries are normal, how you manage them is the difference between:
  • high anxiety, not sleeping well, and constant fights with your kids, and
  • getting good sleep, feeling grateful for what you have, and enjoying the extra time with your kids.
You can live in fear (which is overwhelming, anxiety-inducing and paralyzing).  Or you can choose to live with your fears and enjoy living.

How To Manage Your Fears and Worries

So, do you choose to live in fear or with it during these uncertain times?

My hope is that you choose the latter.  To help, I'm sharing 2 resources:
Make no mistake, this is a mental self-care issue. And it's the most important piece of self-care (so be sure to prioritize it).

Before you go, hit it reply and let me know your BIGGEST mindset struggle.  I'll respond with tips to help you out.


P.S. Want support around how to put together a mindset strategy that works for you? That's why I created Uncage Your Life, a 1:1 coaching intensive to help you re-set your self-care practices and prioritize your well-being.  Go here to find out more.
About Heather
Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Ready for help with becoming successful from the inside-out (and not just on paper)?  Schedule your call now.
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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