Subject: The right way to solve your time (and lack of energy) problem

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I seriously hope you stick around ;-), but if you no longer want to receive emails from me, you can unsubscribe at the bottom of this email.  Now, on to the good stuff...

I've been talking all things self-care lately (because it so often comes up as one of the biggest challenges my clients face).  Self-care is a struggle for so many, isn't it?

There's not enough time to fit it in. You don't have the energy to do what you know you need to be doing. And sometimes it even feels like a chore.

Why do you think that is, Friend?  Why is self-care so hard for so many people?

In my experience, there's a BIG reason for that (that you'll probably find surprising)...

1 BIG Reason Taking Care of Yourself Is a Struggle

Does any of the following sound familiar...
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week
  • Count your calories, carbs, and fat
  • Get enough steps in each day
  • Weigh yourself often
  • Make sure you breathe deeply enough (and even count your breaths as you meditate)
  • Drink a daily green smoothie
I could go on…. But I won’t because it's exhausting.

I’m not saying that you should never do or pay attention to these things. But our culture has become too accustomed to treating self-care as if it’s primarily about metrics, measurements, and productivity.

It’s all about DO, DO, DO!

We've become overly accustomed to treating self-care a lot like we treat our careers. Doing. Being productive. Efficiency.

This makes self-care feel tedious, boring, like a chore. And it makes you lose sight of what self-care is really about (you know, actual wellness).

I want you to DROP THIS for a bit, okay?  Instead, start thinking of self-care as a way of being and living.

I even give you permission to:
  • Stop counting calories,
  • Not weigh yourself,
  • Quit counting steps (put the Fitbit away), and
  • Stop doing whatever else feels hard.
Here’s the thing: by transforming your mentality around self-care into a way of being + living, you’ll be taking care of yourself well without the need to track every dang thing you do.

Doesn’t that sound better?  Now let's talk about one easy way to do that (without taking a bunch of time you don't have)...

Success Tip for the Week

Did you know that there are lots of things you do daily that could either be an act of self-care (that you never before thought of in that way) or that can easily be tweaked and made a self-care activity?

You can even make something you don’t like doing into something you enjoy by bringing some simple self-care into the mix.


Here are a few examples of what I'm talking about:
  • I’ve NEVER enjoyed doing laundry (does anyone?). But one day I realized that (because no one else in my family does either), they almost never approach me when I'm folding.  So I decided to make that MY TIME.  It's when I let my thoughts just run and observe them (which is a much-needed act of mental self-care for me).
  • I have 2 active boys, making me a full-time chauffeur.  This takes me away from clients, writing, and other business that needs to get done (which was initially increasing my stress levels).  But something miraculous happens when my usually quiet boys get into the car with me for more than 10 minutes.  They TALK TO ME.  My driving time is now about us.  We turn the radio off and catch up.  I even look forward to this time with them.
  • A client has a LOOOOONG commute (an hour+ drive to and from work every day).  This was stressful for her.  In our second session, I found out that she loves to read but rarely has time.  So, I suggested that she try listening to audio books during her long commute.  The girl who once hated her commute now enjoys it.
Now it's your turn!  Identify at least one regular activity that you currently find boring, tedious, or stressful that can be spiced up into an act of self-care.

Join Me for Q&A

My weekly newsletter typically goes out on Tuesday (and in case you haven't noticed, it's only Monday).

I sent this week's a bit early because I'm hosting a FREE Training + Q&A tomorrow (and I'll be sending you a friendly reminder tomorrow morning).

The training will cover how to start fitting more self-care into your busy schedule with ease (especially when it comes to exercise).  Once done with this quick training, we'll open it up to you so that you can get any/all questions regarding self-care, stress-management, and balance answered.

NOTE: this is first-come, first-served (there are a limited amount of spots).  So, if you plan to attend be sure to get it in your calendar.  It starts at 11:30 am CST / 12:30 pm EST tomorrow!

You'll get dial-in details tomorrow.
About Heather

I help successful yet overwhelmed and unfulfilled professionals create fulfilling work that’s balanced with a real life... without sacrificing your success.

Here's the thing: you weren't born to rinse and repeat your life into oblivion.  It's time to create a calm mind, get clarity about what you want out of your career + life, and confidently take control so that you can create success from the inside-out.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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