Subject: The question everyone asks that backfires

“How bad do you want it, Friend?”  That's something people tend to ask whenever you're trying to accomplish something big.

Sometimes, this question is helpful.  Like when you're trying to finalize your goals for the year and are measuring how badly you want something.

But often this question is not helpful. . . and can even be disastrous.

The problem is that it assumes that if you want something badly enough then *poof*. . . it'll happen (if only!).

Your subconscious mind is looking out for danger. When it senses danger, it puts on the breaks.  And change = danger.

And that's why this question isn't helpful when trying to face down your doubts and fears about something you'd like to change.

Instead of spurring you into courageous action, it's more likely to make you feel bad about yourself and reinforce the danger within your mind. And that's going to cue up all the reasons why. . .
  • Now isn't the right time,
  • It's not meant to be,
  • You're too busy,
  • You'll get to it later.
Your Success Tip for the Week

A better way of dealing with this is to ask how you want things to look and feel instead.  To build a specific vision for what you want (that gets your senses involved).

That's a way of thinking that I can get behind.  Instead of setting off your auto safety feature (i.e., your subconscious mind) when it's not needed, you'll be priming your mind to:
  • See what's possible, and
  • Start focusing on potential solutions and steps to get you there.
As you feel into it, you'll know how badly you want it (without ever having to ask that question).  And that, Friend, is motivating!

Today, I invite you to let go of asking how badly you want something and instead paint a picture for how you want your life to lookInclude how you'll feel and what you'll be thinking (the details are important).

And stay away from what you *don't* want because that's going to put your mind back into the danger zone of all the reasons (*excuses*) why not to take action.

Once you're clear around your vision, hit reply to let me know what it is and the one small step you're committing to take to get started on that path (or if you're not sure, let me know that).

I read every email and will respond with tips + encouragement to help you get started.

Believing in you!


Free Resources

Too stressed (or uncertain) to even begin to visualize for yourself?  Take a look at these articles + free resources (that you might not have seen or may want to review again):
About Heather
Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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