Subject: The problem with what you DON'T want

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Now, on to the good stuff...

Have you ever noticed that much of your behavior is based on what you DON'T want?

You don't want to be...
  • thought of as lazy (so stay at work late even though your portion of the project is done)
  • the one person NOT considered for a big promotion (after all, what would that say about what they think of you?)
  • considered a bad parent (so you volunteer at your son's school - even though you really don't have time for that)
Most people think that the opposite of what they DON'T want is what they DO want.  But that's not necessarily the case.  That's because what you don't want is often about how others perceive you (and caring a bit too much about that).

Super Simple Success Tip

It's time to stop focusing on what you don't want and instead ask yourself what you do want (for real).  That will help you determine if you truly want something or whether it has more to do with how you're perceived.

How do you do this?  Identify where what you DON'T want is driving you and determine what it is you're actually doing.  And then ask if that's what you really want.

And if you find it difficult to stop worrying about how others perceive you, consider this: people respect those who are clear about who they are and what they want (and then go after that).

Having trouble with this exercise (perhaps because you've been working to please so many people for so long that you've lost sight of your own desires)?  Hit reply to this email and let me know.

I'll get back to you with a few quick tips to get you unstuck.

P.S.  Just remember that what you DO want isn't the exact opposite of what you DON'T want.  That's why it's important to not let what you don't want to drive you.
Get Clear. Be Confident. Take Control.

When you're ready to redefine the rules and go after what you really want, here's how you can work with me.  By working together, you'll:
  1. Create a present, calm mind while drastically reducing stress.
  2. Get clarity around your path to fulfillment (and how to make it happen).
  3. Replace fear and self-doubt with mental strength + resilience.
  4. Make a bigger impact doing fulfilling work while balancing it with a real life.
Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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