Subject: The power of a post-it note (will shock you)

Stomach full of knots, feeling a bit (okay, a LOT) nauseous. I wanted to make like an ostrich and bury my head in the sand.

It was July 2009, and I was staring at my revenue numbers for the year to date. I wasn't even close to being half-way to my goal, which was disheartening since it wasn't a big number to begin with (I was in rebuild mode as a result of the 2008 financial crash). 

Although I was doing a lot of things right, I felt helpless that so much was out of my control. I kept thinking "What if I never get there?" 

Instead of burying my head in the sand, I decided to take stock of where I was through a simple 5-step goal review process that goes like this:
  1. Recognize achievements.
  2. Review the gap.
  3. Reflect on what can be learned.
  4. Reassess goals and strategies.
  5. Recommit (to finish strong).
And then I wrote down the following phrase on a bunch of post-it notes and put them everywhere I could (on my bathroom mirror, next to my office phone and in a desk drawer I opened daily):

"NOW is the time. You've failed only if you quit."

This served as a simple reminder to stay focused and keep going (even when things felt hard and I worried that I'd fail).

What about you, Friend? We're a bit more than half-way through the year, which means that it's the perfect time to take stock of your goals. 

That's why this week's Life & Law Podcast episode covers the 5-step goal reassessment framework mentioned above.

And then figure out what phrase or word(s) will help motivate you to keep going (and hit reply to tell me).

There's never a guaranty that you'll achieve all of your goals but you certainly won't get there by giving up or going about things half-way.

Go all-in (it's worth it).



P.S. Wondering if I achieved my revenue goal?  Nope, I didn't (that year). But the work I did set the foundation for exceeding it the next few years (getting me over $1MM and then to $2.5MM+ before I retired from law).

P.P.S. Want high-level support from an expert to help you achieve your goals? Here's how I can help.
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Whether you're in private practice, in-house or not even an attorney, there's something here for you.  Here are some that will help you achieve your goals and live a more balanced life::
About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.
Host of the Life & Law Podcast.  

Lover of queso & dark chocolate who's on a mission to help lawyers + other driven professionals transform from burned out to balanced so that you can make a more meaningful impact (both personally and professionally) while doing less, not more.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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