Subject: The power of a post-it note

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
So, we talked last week about learning to let go and just be (if you're new and need to catch up on last week's blog post, you'll find it here). How's it going? Are you finding it easy or difficult to do?

If you're like me, then you may be finding it hard to get started (especially if life is busy for you right now).

When I first attempted to let go, my Type A ways kicked into overdrive.  And I found myself stressing over the fact that I couldn't "let go" (which led me to "try" even harder).  But letting go isn't about trying and pushing so hard.  It's the opposite (leave it to me to confuse the issue).

Learning how to let go is a process. And it doesn't happen overnight.  Truthfully, even once you think you've mastered it, you'll sometimes slip up (I sure do).  So, be compassionate to and understanding with yourself (being hard on yourself does you no good and will work against you).

But I've got a secret weapon to help you - and it's where the post-it note comes into play.

Grab a stack of post-it notes and write the following on at least 10 of them: "Stop. Breathe. Be."

Stick all 10 (or more) in places where you'd like to be reminded to let go and just be. These should include areas where you tend to look every day (both at home and at the office). Places like:
  • on your computer
  • next to your mouse pad
  • in a drawer you open often
  • on your home microwave
  • at your coffee machine
  • on your light switch
Every time you see one of these post-it notes, stop what you're doing (close your eyes if necessary), take a few deep breaths and be present in the moment. When doing this, remind yourself to let go of what's not controllable and not to get attached to the outcome of whatever you're working on (or is weighing on your mind).

That's it.

I know this sounds hokey (and simplistic), but humor me for a few weeks and try it. 

It's hard to introduce a change this big into your life (especially when life is stressful and busy). And these little notes will help remind you to stop squeezing the sand out of your hand (and make you more aware of when you're doing it). They'll also help keep you accountable to yourself.

Isn't it amazing how powerful a small post-it note can be?

Here's to the power of simple + small...


Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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