Subject: The most wonderful time of the year (that wasn't)

Driving home after a long day at work, oblivious to the twinkling red & white lights (that were everywhere) and irritated by The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year mockingly playing in the background. . . I burst into tears.

I was barely holding it together, Friend.
  • At the office almost every weekend.
  • Averaging 90+ hour weeks.
  • Getting maybe 4-5 hours of sleep per night. 
Did you know that more than than 50% of private practice lawyers report feeling stressed and/or anxious all or most of the time?

Yep, that was me (and had been me for over 3 years).

I was clearly burning out, but felt like there was nothing I could do about it because it was the same everywhere and my profession was broken (so I told myself).

Until that night when my husband interrupted my evening gripe-fest to say "Heather, you have a choice." 

I know that they say never to go to bed angry with your spouse, but apparently my brain needed that time to itself. We fought. I went to bed angry.

And I woke up the next morning begrudgingly thinking "Ugh, he's right."

That's when I made the choice to start paying attention to what was really going on so that I could reverse course by making better choices.

What I learned is that burnout isn't caused just by working too much (it goes way deeper than that). And so you can't cure it simply by working less or taking a vacation.

Which is why this week's Life & Law Podcast covers burnout symptoms, sources and solutions.  Listen here to discover:
  • The difference between burnout and chronic stress.
  • Common burnout symptoms (to adequately assess where you are).
  • What causes burnout, and how to use this information to treat & prevent it.
  • 5 specific solutions to overcome burnout.
Once you've listened to today's Podcast, please consider sharing it on your favorite social media platform.  

In just one simple, small act you'll not just be helping me out. You'll also be helping those who need to hear this message.



P.S. Don't wait until your spouse loses his/her patience with you to do something about how exhausted and unmotivated you feel. Listen to this week's Life & Law Podcast Episode for an effective cure NOW.

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Whether you're in private practice, in-house or not even an attorney, there's something here for you.  Here are some of my most powerful recent episodes:
About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.
Host of the Life & Law Podcast.  

Lover of queso & dark chocolate who's on a mission to help lawyers + other driven professionals reignite the spark that made you choose your career in the first place.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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