Subject: The long pause (that wasn't)

Does it feel like you've hit the pause button for most of this year because. . . 2020? 

If that's you then you're in good company.  I've had several recent conversations about this with friends (and see similar sentiments in my Facebook and Instagram feeds).

It's as if most people have had a long pause - and are anxiously awaiting the New Year (perhaps for a reset?).

But here's the thing, Friend. . . The pause never really happened.

The truth is that, for so long as you're on this earth, life doesn't pause. No matter how difficult it feels.  Or how uncertain things are.  And even when you want a do-over year.

Thinking this way just holds you back.  It makes you think that you have zero control over anything (which isn't true).

It's time to drop the mindset of being on pause.  

Because with challenge and change comes opportunity.  And regardless of what's going on you can still live fully - even happily.  If my cancer battle taught me anything at all, it was this.

[And #truthbomb: the new year will have many of the same challenges, so you might as well get out of pause and start moving forward proactively].

So now the question becomes. . . how?

Join me for ACHIEVE 2021, a FREE online goal setting & planning workshop that begins December 28th.  In this on-demand Workshop, you'll:
  • Learn how to set meaningful goals that MOTIVATE you to go all-in (the entire year).
  • Discover how to steer clear of common goal setting & planning mistakes so that you don’t get off-track.
  • Learn my simple goal-planning framework for a CLEAR roadmap of what to do.
  • Get my easy goal-achievement system to consistently take action (no matter what's going on in the world because you deserve to #live full-out).

Looking forward to seeing you in the Workshop!


On the Blog

To get your mind in the right place and be fully prepared for ACHIEVE 2021, I recommend you read the following articles:
About Heather

Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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