Subject: The Power of Perspective [and how to use it to your advantage]

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Now, on to the good stuff...
Have you noticed that the news always seems to follow a hard 80/20 rule (80% negative and only 20% positive or neutral)?

Bad news captures people's interest and sells (which is why news services make negativity their main-stay and why there's so much negative stuff on social media).

I know it's easy to believe that the world has gone crazy (what with the constant focus on all things bad), but that's not reality.  And if you want to be happy, healthy, and successful in life then you MUST counteract all that negativity.  

Negative thinking brings with it self-doubt. And self-doubt and lack of self-confidence is pretty much the opposite of a success-building mentality.

So, how can you counteract all the negativity?  By developing the right mindset from within.  One that's growth-oriented and built for success.

Because, at the end of the day, your reality is all about your perspective.

Ready to learn more about the power of perspective and HOW to start developing the right mentality from within so that you'll have the self-confidence you need to achieve all you want?  Go read How to Be More Self-Confident at Work by Changing Your Mindset.

It's time to get serious about developing your mindset.  This article will give you the building blocks on how to do that.

Believing in you,
P.S.  My special year-end offer for Detox Your Mind Coaching ends next week.  If you're ready to ditch feeling stressed and overwhelmed and replace that with mental clarity and feeling at peace from within, then this quick yet effective coaching program is for you, so grab it while you can!

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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