Subject: The #1 thing you need (yet don't do enough of)

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Now, on to the good stuff...

What ONE thing do you need to do more of (for yourself) that you...
  • don't have enough time for?
  • can't find enough energy for?
  • roll your eyes at when you hear about it (for the 100th time this month)?
I'm talking about self-care.  Before you start the eye-rolling, READ ON.  I promise that (1) you need this, and (2) it will help you.

And that includes the guys out there too (self-care isn't something reserved only for women).

If you don't like the term "self-care" (I actually don't), think of it as doing stuff that makes you feel energized, keeps you mentally fit and well, and gives you more control over your emotions and your life.

This whole idea of self-care has been hijacked by a movement of #selfcare soothsayers on social media and in the marketplace that are trying to capitalize on the high-stress lifestyle most people are living these days.  

I find it a bit ironic how much Instagram (and other social media posts) talk about self-care when a big part of the reason so many people are distressed is the ever-present tech bombardment we're subject to.

And honestly, I'm tired of all the empty Instagram quotes that say I'm "enough", I've "got this", and that self-care is "the answer".  I'm not saying that there's no truth in them, but they're syrupy sweet and too simple (with zero advice on HOW to start taking better care of yourself).  

Frankly, if you're having trouble taking care of yourself you probably need more than a few feel-good quotes.  What you really need is:
  • to better understand what self care really is;
  • better information on HOW to start taking better care of yourself in simple ways that are both doable and will help you change long-term habits (making it sustainable); and
  • the right support to keep you accountable and motivate you to keep going.
[As an aside, coaching helps with all of these, BTW].

Success Tip of the Week

It's time to rethink self-care.

Here's what you need to know: self-care is about your own well-being. On ALL LEVELS (physically, spiritually, mentally, psychologically). And YOU get to decide what that means.

Self-care is NECESSARY.  And you need to get it off of your to-do list because (you're going to freak when you see this)....
  • self-care comes BEFORE your to-do's ever come into play.
I know that's a radical concept, but it's necessary to accept if you're ever going to get to a place where you actually prioritize it.  When it's on your to-do list, it's the first thing you push down (and don't do) when you get busy.

Start making self-care a way of living.  Accept that you must come first (after all, you'll better serve others if you do).  This isn't selfish.

This piece is important, so please think on it and start asking yourself HOW you can start making self-care a way of living (as opposed to something you need to fit into your busy schedule).  Think outside the box.

To help you get self-care off your to-do list, read this article I wrote last year.  It will help you to rethink it so that you'll actually be in a place to start prioritizing it for a change.

And don't worry: next week I'll help you get started on the HOW.  

This email's long enough (and you need to tackle this piece first), so we'll talk about HOW to get started then with real-life advice and resources, not just frilly quotes that leave you hanging.

Do you live in the Dallas area and want to learn more about this, with hands-on advice from me (free of charge)?

Join me for Professionals for the Cure, hosted by Susan G. Komen Dallas County and Frost Bank on August 29th for Rethinking Self-Care: Surprisingly Simple + Effective Strategies for Busy Professionals.

Here are the details: 

August 29th, 8:00 - 9:30 AM (breakfast will be served)
RSVP: either hit reply to this email or email  

Hope to see you there!

P.S.  Remember: self-care is about your physical, spiritual, mental, and psychological well-being.  It's time to get it off your to-do list and instead put it before that list ever comes into play.

Get High-Level Support to Create Success On Your Own Terms

Ready to redefine the rules and create success on your own terms (and want high-level support to keep you accountable and help make it happen)?  Let's chat.  By working with me, you'll:
  1. Create a present, calm mind for less stress and more self-confidence.
  2. Get clarity around what you really want and how to make it happen.
  3. Replace fear and self-doubt with mental strength + resilience.
  4. Make a bigger impact doing fulfilling work while balancing it with a real life.
Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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