Subject: That time I felt like I was suffocating (by my career choices)

I was in a respected profession, making good money and had everything going for me. . . Or so it seemed to the rest of the world.

The only problem was that I felt like I was suffocating.  By the career that I'd long wanted & worked so hard for (and if I was being honest, by my choices).

I kept thinking. . .
  • I need to stick it out.
  • No one will understand how unhappy I am.
  • Maybe I'm not cut out to be a lawyer.
  • If I leave, I'll be starting over.
I felt stuck.

Have you ever felt like this, Friend?

It's more common than you think (especially when it comes to lawyers and other high-achievers). 

But I've got good news because it's not as hard to get unstuck as you think.  Nor does it mean starting from scratch.

It's just that it's easy to lose sight of yourself when working so hard to do and have 'it all'.

That's why the answer is to slow down, reconnect to your values and challenge that voice inside your head (that brings forth all those doubts + worries).

Not only will things become more clear, but you'll gain confidence.  And you'll no longer feel stuck.

  • The foundation to figuring out what you want (and why you shouldn’t make ANY changes until you do this 1 thing).
  • A practical way for overcoming fear of the unknown.
  • How to let go of what others think.
  • Why the risk of doing nothing can be worse than making a change.
  • How to properly weigh varying risks.
Today’s episode won’t just help you get unstuck in your career but will also help you to start moving forward on the right path for you.



P.S.  You'd be surprised how many clients come to me convinced that the answer is to start over who end up happily staying in the same firm/company.  This is why figuring out your foundation is so important.

P.P.S.  If you're stuck and want help getting unstuck, here's how I can help.
About Heather

Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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