Subject: Successful, yet unhappy? Here's how to get your mojo back, Friend

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
You're a high-achiever who's committed to your success in the work you do.  And you've achieved a lot.  So, why does all your "success" sometimes (or often) drain the life out of you?

During the first 4 years of my legal career, that was me.  Most people thought that I had "it all" (whatever that means).  But I was living an overly busy, high-stress lifestyle that was exhausting me both physically and mentally.

And I know that I'm not alone.  Most of my clients are people that the world considers "successful".  Heck, even my clients think of themselves that way.

They make good money. They've achieved a lot within their careers and are recognized for those achievements. 

Yet they aren't very happy when they come my way. Why?

They're living out only half of the work hard, play hard equation.  And they also don't understand what the phrase "work hard, play hard" means.

Because working hard doesn't mean killing yourself in the work you do.  And playing hard has nothing to do with partying.

Understanding what it means to work hard and play hard is important to your happiness and to your success.  It's something that truly successful people get - and do well. 

Because working hard and playing hard the right way will skyrocket both your happiness and your ability to succeed.

This is something that I learned throughout the 4th year of my legal career.  And unfortunately, I had to learn it the hard way by working myself so hard that I almost burned myself out. But once I figured out how to work hard the right way - and to start playing more - my life almost immediately turned around. 

For how to achieve success that you'll actually enjoy - and how to incorporate play into your life to help you succeed - go read my latest article on the blog:

It's crazy how powerful something as simple as play can be.

Sadly, this is something that we often need to be reminded of.  As you've likely noticed, I've been missing from your inbox for the past month.  In my last email, I impressed upon you the power of taking a break and doing nothing.  And I noted that I needed a break myself.

Although I didn't originally intend to take a month off from writing on my blog, that's exactly what I ended up doing.  With the death of my uncle in July and the death of a friend (right after my last email was sent), I needed a break from writing so much.

And I needed to play more.  That break helped to remind me to play and have more fun.

And now I'm here to remind you too.  Because you deserve to have fun.  What's the point of having career success if you're not enjoying it?

Go read the article and please share it with your friends and family.  I've made it super-simple for you (just use one of the social sharing buttons at the top or bottom of the post).

All my best,

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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