Subject: Success has nothing to do with this

Three years ago I had an exciting idea… a Mastermind exclusively designed for lawyers wanting more clients, business, income, and impact but without the stress, long hours and overwhelm.

After months of hard work to fill it with the exact right people, my inaugural group kicked off in February 2020.

And then COVID hit.

Being a part of someone’s business dreams is scary, and COVID made it even scarier.

Turns out the Mastermind was the PERFECT thing for brainstorming new ways to grow a law practice in the midst of a never-before-experienced pandemic that prevented group members from doing the one thing they’d always relied upon (in-person networking).

There’s a lesson there, Friend… Success isn’t dependent on circumstances.

The Mastermind (called ELEVATE) is back.

I am not the coach for everyone but for the right few, what I teach is a game-changer for your practice, your revenues and your life.

As my client Monica says “Heather’s cut-to-the-chase, no-nonsense approach gets results.”

Results like:

  • An increase of more $100,00 (even $200,000) in revenues.

  • Starting a new side business (that feeds new business into the legal side).

  • Getting to over $1MM in originations (in less than one year after struggling for years).

And it’s not just about money and promotions. Participants rave about how the experience reenergizes them and their practice.

But fair warning…

The common thread is they came prepared to work, were open to try new things and refused to give up (on themselves or their dreams).

ELEVATE isn't a fit for every attorney.

But for some of you this is the level of support you know you need to take your law practice to the next level without losing yourself in the process.

The application period is winding down and ELEVATE won't be back until 2023. Don't miss out on your chance to create the practice you want... starting NOW.

Learn more and apply >>>here.



P.S. Not interested in the Mastermind right now? The good news is that applications are winding down (so you won't hear about it for much longer). You can also tap here to stop receiving ELEVATE-specific emails.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful.