Subject: Sometimes Life Happens [Plus, no Facebook live today]

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
Ever have a moment where you feel like life is working AGAINST YOU?  You plan something important, work hard to get it perfect and yourself ready, and then all heck breaks loose and it feels like everything has been ruined before you ever got started?

Of course, you have.  Because we all have those moments.

And I’m in the midst of one of those moments right now.  As I mentioned last week, I’m supposed to be hosting my first Facebook Live event tonight.  But, unfortunately, all heck has broken loose in the Moulder household.

We have the flu and strep throat running rampant throughout our house right now.  And I'm taking care of everyone through it all (plus my body is fighting back something - although exactly what remains to be seen). 

Because I want to be my best, I'm rescheduling my previously planned Facebook Live to discuss goal-setting success.  Watch for an email in the coming days with a new date/time.

But before I go, I want to note something - something that I feel is important.

Sometimes life sucks.  But, when life gives you lemons, it’s NOT God or the Universe telling you something.  It's especially NOT a sign to give up.

I hear this a lot from people - especially when they've planned to do something outside of their comfort zone.  As soon as something happens that presents an inkling of work or difficulty (or forces them to reschedule their original plans), they decide that God or the Universe is telling them not to go forward.

This line of thinking is plain wrong.  And honestly, it’s a total cop-out.  An excuse not to do something that would have been hard or difficult.  An excuse not to face a fear.

I could use this moment as an excuse and choose to believe that God is telling me that Facebook Live isn’t right for me (because, truthfully, I’m a bit terrified of how I’ll be received, whether anyone will even show up, and putting myself out there for the world to see LIVE).

Or I can choose to understand that life happens – including the bad stuff.  But my family (and even myself) getting sick has NOTHING to do with whether I go Live and put myself out there.

So, I’m choosing not to allow this to stop me from my goal and vision of being fearless this year.  I may have to wait a week, but in the grand scheme of things it’s not that big of a deal.  I can still move forward with my plans (just one week later than I originally thought I would).

So, remember the next time life gives you a few lemons that it’s NOT God or the Universe trying to tell you not to take a chance or stretch yourself.  It’s just life moving along as it always does.

You get to choose whether you continue along the same path, redirect yourself onto a new one, stop (and go nowhere) or backtrack.  You and only you.

Talk to you soon and all my best,


P.S. If you haven't read my Goal-Setting Series articles to date, now's your chance to catch up.  You can find the articles at:

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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