Subject: Something I should have told you sooner

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Now, on to the good stuff...

When someone you care about has cancer, what should you say and do?

People often ask me this question (and I've been told more than a few times that I should write an article about this).

It's difficult to know how to respond.  There are a host of emotions that get in the way (both your own and the patient's).  And that can make things awkward.

Plus, you want to say the perfect thing...

Yet that doesn't exist.

Although there isn't a "perfect" thing that can be said or done, there are things that can (and should) be said to someone with cancer.  And there are things that shouldn't be said or done, yet often are.

Because I've been asked this question so many times, I decided to finally address it on the blog.  It's something I should have done a long time ago.

Sadly, we all know someone who's diagnosed with cancer at some point in our lives.  Perhaps you're dealing with this right now (although I truly hope that you're not).

NOTE: before you ask, the term "cancer survivor" is broadly defined within the cancer community.  It doesn't just include those who have been treated in the past, but also includes current patients.

Once you've read the article, I ask that you share it Friend.  This is an important topic with seriously valuable information.  It's as easy as tapping one of the social media buttons at the top or bottom of the article.  I'd truly appreciate it!

With all my love,

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Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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