Subject: So, which one are you?

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
You know the saying that FEAR has two meanings?  One means to forget everything and run, and the other means to face everything and rise.  And you get to choose the meaning for your life.

So, Friend, which one are you choosing?  [Side note: if you haven’t read yesterday’s newsletter and blog post, then this question may not be making total sense and you need to go read yesterday’s article and then come back.]

Yesterday I talked about my pledge to go big and stop playing small.  And I encouraged you to do the same.

Today, I want to invite those of you who are:
  • ready to go big (and stop allowing fear to get in your way – leading to procrastination and excuses about doing something sometime “later”), and
  • would like high-level support to get you through the process (and to help you more quickly get you to where you want to go),
to book a free Breakthrough Session with me. 

If you’re ready (and know you have what it takes) to make the necessary changes to your life that will give you what you desire and feel that high-level support is the way to go (because it will help you get there more quickly), let’s chat.

To schedule your free Breakthrough Session, go to my booking page and answer a few questions (you must answer these to schedule time with me - it's there to help me be prepared for our call and to ensure people are (a) serious and (b) real people).

During this free session, we’ll uncover what’s going on that has you considering coaching, whether I would be a good fit for you as your coach, and whether coaching makes sense for YOU.

Several quick notes before I go.  First, please do not schedule a call unless you’re serious about coaching.  You do NOT need to know we’re going to work together (because this call is truly about diving into whether we’d be a good match and whether I could help you).  However, this is for folks who are seriously considering coaching as their next step.

Second, this isn’t a coaching session.  It’s an exploratory session where we’ll dive into what’s going on and how I could potentially help you.  And it’s also a chance for you to ask me whatever questions you have about coaching, my coaching style, my programs/packages, and how coaching could work for you.

I mentioned that I was ready to start going big myself (and stop playing small).  Well folks, this is my first step in that direction (since I want to help as many people as I can, I may as well let people know how to reach out to me should they be interested upon occasion).

I have limited spots available to chat and a limited number of coaching spots available for new 1:1 clients.  So, if you’re interested, don’t delay (and if you’re not – no worries; I still love you and you’ll still receive my newsletter and articles about how to live your best life on your own terms).

Talk to you next week (remember: we’ll be talking about how to process through fear that’s continuing to keep a hold on you so you can truly start to step beyond it).

Until then,

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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