Subject: Self-care activities any high-achiever can do

Does the work-life juggling act sometimes make you feel overwhelmed and distracted? Do you often feel like a piece of taffy - being pulled in a million directions, about to break into two?

If only you could have more energy.

And be more present.

And also not feel bone-tired (you would settle for just plain tired).

The worst part is that you know the answer... To take some time for you (that self-care thing).

The only problem is that you don't know how to find the time for proper self-care activities.

Today's Life & Law Podcast episode is for you because we are getting into specific self-care activities and ideas for when you're busy and life feels chaotic.

Here's what we cover in today's episode:

  • Ways to fit self-care into ordinary activities (you’re already doing),

  • How to carve out guilt-free bites of time for reenergizing self-care, and

  • Creating a flexible self-care routine (you can do no matter how busy life gets).

It's the last episode of Season 3 of the podcast (and we're going out with a bang). Don't worry, I'll be back in about 8 weeks with Season 4.



P.S. Even though I'm taking a break from the podcast, I'll still be here with you every week with tips, tools and strategies for balanced success.

P.P.S. The Essential Self-Care Toolkit mentioned in the podcast (that will help you create your own flexible AM + PM self-care routines) can be accessed directly here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.