Subject: STOP doing this, Friend (it's holding you back)

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Now, on to the good stuff...

How often do you find yourself comparing your life, your career, and/or your results to other people... and decide that you don't quite measure up?

I coach around this ALL THE TIME (for example, just this past week).  And truthfully, I sometimes fall into this trap too.

Given how "successful" my clients are (at least by society's terms), you'd think this wouldn't come up as often as it does.  Yet it's surprisingly common.

The client who came to me last week is a leader within her company, highly respected in her field, and makes great money.  

Yet she's not where she wants to be.... yet (she hired me to help her get there, and is getting closer).  And that's her problem.

Instead of seeing her progress and feeling excited for all the good things she's doing, she found herself:
  • focusing on what she hasn't yet achieved;
  • feeling like she's not good enough; and
  • thinking that she'll never get there.
All because a colleague had a big win.

How to Stop Comparing Yourself (and Instead Be Happy With Who/Where You Are)

This is a mindset issue.  What you need is to get to a place where you're happy with who you are and accept that you're a work-in-progress (and always will be).  

How can you change your mindset?

Go read my article at Tiny Buddha about what I learned about happiness from my grandfather (and if you read it last week, you might want to re-read it).  The article will:
  • inspire you to re-think what happiness even is; and
  • give you 4 mindset-shifting practices (that I have used for years) for more happiness.
Then, pick at least 1 of the practices outlined in the article to start doing NOW.

Once you've read the article, I want to hear from you Friend!  

Hit reply to this email and tell me which of the 4 mindset-shifting practices you're committing to take on.  Telling someone about it will help you actually do it (plus, I'll respond with a few tips).

P.S.  If you're not willing to spend a couple of minutes to get inspired and learn 4 ways to develop a happier mindset, why not?  What's more important than your own mental health and happiness?
About + How to Work With Me

I’m a certified coach and recovering attorney who helps 
successful-on-paper-yet-unfulfilled-in-life professionals overcome overwhelm + self-doubt while gaining clarity of purpose so they can achieve success on their own terms (and start having fun again).

Using evidence based knowledge and techniques, you'll cultivate mental resilience and change how you relate to your thoughts so that you can confidently take control of your life and form new habits and patterns of behavior (that'll stick!).
Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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