Subject: STOP being pulled in a million directions [how-to]

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Now, on to the good stuff...

Are you being pulled in a million directions, unable to determine with clarity what to prioritize, what to drop completely, and what can be pushed off?  

Do you worry about what others might think should you drop or push something off?  

Do you feel selfish any time you try to prioritize something you really want (no matter how small) because there's too much to get done?

The problem isn't that you have too much to do.  That's a symptom of the real problem.  

Your problem is that your life has been overtaken by a bunch of "shoulds".  The ones that say:
  • You should be happy about your new promotion (even though you're not) because it's more money and one more step to making it to the top.
  • You shouldn't climb too high on the career ladder until your kids are adults (otherwise, people might think you're a bad mother or father).
  • You should put other people first, otherwise you might be seen as selfish or uncaring.
These are "shoulds" of real people - either clients or something I've believed.  And I'm guessing at least one of them hits home for you too.

Living your life in accordance with these external expectations creates unneeded pressure (and lots of stress).  And it also takes you away from the life you were created for.  Before you know it, you're just going through the motions while:
  • feeling exhausted by life;
  • being resentful of the people who are happily successful; and
  • telling yourself that your dreams were unreachable (maybe even believing that you were foolish for ever having them).
Living this way creates misery and REGRET that you never had the courage to live life your way, but instead lived the life that was expected of you.  Trust me, I know this regret well (I had it when I thought I would die from cancer).

I don't want you to one day regret your life, which brings me to today's success strategy...

Friend, it's time to determine where your "shoulds" are and to courageously let go of them.

Here's what to do:
  • STEP 1: Ask yourself what you're doing in life (right now) because it's expected of you.
  • STEP 2: Identify the belief behind your should (as well as the story/history behind that belief). Why do you believe you should be doing what you've identified?  Who, where, what event did this come from?  Doing this will help you understand why you've been making these choices and will get you out of living on autopilot.
  • STEP 3: Identify what you COULD be doing instead (if only you had the courage) and WHY you want that.  This step is about looking to all the possibilities, so don't worry about whether you'll do it just yet or the "how".  
  • STEP 4: Identify the FIRST STEP you could take to lead you closer to the life you identified in Step 3. This doesn't have to be a big leap, but can be a small step that gets you started.
  • Step 5: Decide.  Will you take that first step or keep going as-is?
A few pointers on how to use this exercise: (1) write everything down (don't just go through the exercise in your head) and (2) don't keep your findings a secret.  

To help you courageously take your first step, hit reply to this email and let me know what insight you've gained and what you're committing to doing differently.  I read every email and will respond with helpful pointers on how to move forward with courage without getting sidelined by fear.

Remember that courage is about making choices regardless of your fears.  I know you have it in you to take that next step.

Are you ready to STOP living your life according to everyone else's expectations but instead live it according to your own?  Is it FINALLY time to achieve your full potential and purpose, for a life that’s BOTH meaningful and enjoyable?

GREAT! I can help. 

If you're a serious + high-performing professional who:
  1. Is READY to take your career + your life (and the impact you make) to the next level;
  2. KNOWS that you're meant for more yet need help to break free from feeling stuck (even trapped);
  3. IS NOT AFRAID of investing in yourself to drastically improve your life and career; and
  4. Is READY to stop making excuses of why you can't and instead ready to say "yes I can!"...
Then let's talk.  Get started by scheduling your free, no-obligation call with me now to see how we can partner together to create the life you want.

Believing in you!

P.S. Have you seen this yet?  Use these 7 Effective Confidence-Building (and Fear-Busting) Tools to help you get past your fears and start making courageous changes to your life for the better.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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