Subject: Redefine what's possible (for you)

If you were to see a snapshot that perfectly describes my work-life balance, it would be me click-clacking away on my iPad while watching (out of the corner of my eye) my 12 or 17-year old warm up to pitch.

This might be on a weekday evening or on a Saturday mid-afternoon.

Some people wouldn’t call that balanced. But I do.

Once the game starts, I’m fully present.

And taking advantage of the free time I have to get work done before the game starts is what allows me to BE at the game in the first place (especially the weekday mid-afternoon games 2 hours away from home).

Balance isn’t some formula that you have to fit your life around.

It’s whatever works for you and your family. So that you're actually content with your choices.

Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing or how they define what balance is, Friend.

Define what balance means for you and then meet THAT definition.

And if you're looking for help with redefining what balance (and success) means to you, book your call >>>here to chat about how I can help.



P.P.S. Are you an associate wondering what it takes to be promoted to partner in your law firm? Listen to Episode #71 of the Life & Law Podcast to learn about Your Path To Partnership >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals become happily successful.

Learn more about me >>>here.