Subject: Pssst... How to put joy back into your holidays [and year-end]

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you

Now, on to the good stuff...
The holidays are coming, Friend.  How does that make you feel?
Excited, happy…. psyched? Or overcome with the need to breathe into a brown paper bag?

What if I told you that you can change how you feel about the holidays and year-end?

Now, I’m not promising that you’ll suddenly be the super-happy-excited person. But research shows that you can train your brain to…
  • Think more positively;
  • See a different vantage point, hence turning something that you typically regard as laborious, stressful, and/or boring into something that’s advantageous and more positive;
  • Become more focused and calmer – even during times that are usually stressful (like the holidays and general year-end craziness)
What does that mean for you? Goodbye stress, overwhelm, and mental paralysis and hello positivity, focus, and (dare I suggest) joy!


Integrate the following habits into your life that are proven to train your brain to think more positively and creatively, increase your focus, and reduce stress:

1. Dedicate at least 10 minutes per day to quiet thinking time.  This practice allows your subconscious thoughts trapped within to come out and will help you think more clearly, be more creative, and be more focused.

2. Practice gratitude every evening by writing down what you’re grateful for that day and why. This trains you to be on the lookout for positive stuff in your life and will thereby increase your positivity levels.

3. Be kind to, give a compliment to, and/or express your appreciation to someone EVERY SINGLE DAY.   Do it in person via email, or on the phone and tell a stranger, a co-worker, or someone you love (it doesn't matter, so long as you do it). This will increase your optimism and empathy levels – which means you’ll feel better and less stressed.

4. Change your perspective around boring, stressful, and not-so-fun stuff by focusing on the benefits. For example, focus on how happy your kids will be when visiting with family this Thanksgiving (and how that makes you feel) instead of having to hear yet one more time about the crazy political beliefs of your in-laws.

Simply put: you have the power to turn what's traditionally been an overwhelming and stress-inducing time into one that's calm and more fun.


Now, all of this sounds great yet it's hard to actually do isn't it (even though you know what to do)?  And that's especially true when it comes to changing habits.

Here’s what I know…

Those who are wildly successful at changing their mindset and habits get support that helps them effectively navigate their way through the roadblocks getting in their way.

So, here's your next step: get support.  And not just any old support.  Pick someone you trust, can be honest with, and are willing to take feedback from and be held accountable to. 

Quick tip: don’t pick someone who’s attached to or influenced by your outcome (so, don’t pick your spouse).


While everyone else is stressing over year-end and the holidays, let’s set you up for major success this holiday season.  Introducing Detox Your Mind, a quick yet effective 4-week coaching experience specifically designed to help you:
  • create more space for yourself so that you can feel less stressed, more present and focused, and get some mental clarity; and
  • re-train your mind to think more positively and creatively so you can avoid getting stuck in mental ruts.
What this means for you is that you’ll have more mental clarity, more peace, and less stress. And you’ll be creating that for yourself when you need it the most.

As a celebration this holiday season, I’m offering this package at a severe discount.  To work privately with me as your coach costs about $400/month. But I’m offering Detox Your Mind for only $197 for a limited time.

I’m often told how bluntly honest I am.  So, let me be blunt...

If you want to stop feeling stressed and anxious this time of year, you MUST re-train your mind. Otherwise, nothing will change.

I’ve got 10 spots available (it’s my limit before I end up super-stressed myself).  I’m opening them up to you first – but will open them up to the universe and beyond next week.

To take advantage of my offer and get the details regarding Detox Your Mind go here or simply hit reply to this email and I’ll help you with next steps.

Here’s to you enjoying yourself this holiday season!
P.S. You won’t change anything about your year-end stress if you don’t do something differently. What I know is that the right support makes all the difference – especially when it comes to changing your mindset and habits. Let me help you make your breakthrough.
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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