Subject: Proven advice for success (at anything)

Last month we talked about how to finish the year strong (both personally and professionally) despite all the craziness that 2020 has brought.

It's time to conduct a mid-year self-evaluation so that you can determine what steps to take moving forward.

Unfortunately, this process is uncomfortable (which is why so few people do it).  

It requires you to get honest about where you are versus where you wanted to be (which also means looking at your mistakes, failures and bad habits).

But self-assessing where you are (and why) is one of the most important things you can do for your success.  At anything.

To help you do this effectively, go read How to Better Reach Your Goals (5-Step Goal Review Blueprint) on the blog.  In this article, you'll learn how to:
  • identify the gap between where you are and where you wanted to be,
  • learn from mistakes and challenges, and
  • leverage what' you've learned (for better goal achievement).
Don't let the unexpected events of 2020 stop you, Friend (because they don't have to).

Go read the article to finish the year strong and achieve all that you wanted this year.



P.S. If you missed any of the lessons from June, you'll be happy to know that I combined all of them into one article on the blog.
About Heather
Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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