Subject: Popularity vs. Character (which do you choose?)

The human brain wants to belong. Which can be a good thing since belonging brings purpose and contentment. But ask yourself…

Can that need cause you to do things you later regret?

[Short answer? Yes.]

Think back to your Middle School (even your High School) days, Friend

… Struggling to become more independent from your parents.

… While trying desperately to fit in with your peers.

I spent most of Middle School trying NOT to get noticed by a small group of so-called popular kids who liked to bully Honor Student geeks like me.

This kept happening because no one ever said or did anything.

Not me (for fear of being their next target).

Nor anyone who wasn't part of their friend group.

Not even their so-called "popular" friends.

What was true back in Middle & High School is still true as an adult: human beings have a tendency to go along with the crowd (even against our better judgment).

Popularity doesn't automatically equate with good. Just because a majority goes along with something doesn't make it right.

Which is something the Founding Fathers understood (there's a reason they didn't want majority rule).

In a recent newsletter, I talked about how:

  • Our leaders are a reflection of current society & culture.

  • Change starts with you, the individual.

  • Nothing will change if no one is willing to be in the minority.

That particular newsletter got a lot of (mostly) wonderful replies. But it also got more unsubscribes than I've ever had with a single newsletter.

And I'm 100% okay with that.

I am done with trying to be popular and committed to doing what I believe is right.

Which is why I am opening Season 4 of the Life & Law Podcast with an episode devoted to how to start making a real, positive difference in this world.

Have a listen here and then hit reply to let me know what you think.



P.S. Last Tuesday was C.R.A.Z.Y. thanks to intense storms that took out power, damaged trees and caused our school to have to change the time/place of my eldest's graduation ceremony last-minute.

I guess it was par for the course that this newsletter wasn't sent out properly, either. If you didn't get it, here is where to read Today Marks the End.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.