Subject: Playing mental hide-n-seek? (Do this instead)

Tired of feeling mentally wrung out from. . .
  • trying to keep your kids from killing each other for the next month (or more!),
  • arguing with your kids about how to work out their math problems (who, like me, believes that the old way was easier?),
  • worrying about what to do if your 70-year old asthmatic mom gets COVID-19, and
  • working 12+ hours a day to deal with a crisis work situation (while simultaneously fearing it'll suddenly come to an end)?
Yeah, me too.

Let me just say that feeling this way SUCKS.

But I’m here to warn you against playing mental hide-n-seek by pushing your difficult thoughts and emotions down while seeking to quickly do something about it to lessen that vulnerable feeling.

What To Do Instead of Mental Hide-N-Seek

It’s not healthy to push your feelings down (#truthbomb: you need to feel them).

And immediately reacting isn’t the same thing as being proactive (you're really allowing your emotions to control you).

So, what can you do?

Sit with your emotions and breathe through them.  Then remind yourself that you're okay despite them.

You aren't your emotions, Friend (they're just something that you're experiencing).  And there's nothing wrong with feeling the way you do.

Finally, be sure that you're staying connected to people who make you feel good.

Last week I scheduled a virtual play date for my son Noah and 4 of his friends.  A mom texted me that it's the happiest she's seen her son in weeks.  

It's amazing how much connecting with people can do for you.  So, pick up the phone to call a friend.  Or schedule an online meeting with those you love.

Master Your Mindset

For help with how to deal with your emotions in a healthy way, join me in this week's weekly Mindset Mastery Session.  We meet every Wednesday morning at 8:30 am CST.

BONUS: the simple practice we'll be covering this week can also be used to help you turn off the internal chatter that keeps you up at night.

To register, go here:

The training will be short (yet powerful).  Plus, it's an opportunity to CONNECT with people who care.

I hope to see you tomorrow.


P.S. Can't make the Mindset Mastery Sessions (but would like to)?  Want access to them all whenever you need them?  Be on the lookout for next week's email, where I'll be announcing how you can get your hands on everything and more.
Additional Resources

Have you grabbed your copy of my top two free resources yet?  Be sure to download:
  • 5-Minute Stress Solutions for 8 mindset + stress management strategies to help you be more resilient and change how you relate to your thoughts.
About Heather
Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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