Subject: Parenting an adolescent is ...[fill in the blank]

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
As a mom of two boys, I've discovered that parenting is...


I could go on forever (but I won't, because you get the point). 

What is it not?  Boring.  Being a parent is ALWAYS interesting - but not always in good ways ;-).

My oldest son (Zachary) is growing up before my eyes.  Truthfully, both my boys are, but Zachary's more obvious about it these days (partly because he's now taller than me - YIKES).

Now that Zachary is a young adolescent, he's becoming his own person.  He wants a chance to succeed and fail on his own terms.  And I'm finding that these changes are requiring me to revise how I parent him and how I view my role as a mom.

Today's article is all about what I've learned works when it comes to parenting kids through the middle school and adolescent years.  For 7 of the most effective principles I've learned so far about parenting kids at this age, go read 7 Highly Effective Principles for Parenting Through Middle School and Adolescence.

Before you go, I have a favor to ask.  If you like the article, please share it with anyone you know who could benefit from it.  I'm trying to grow my following and would appreciate the support.
  This includes you EVEN IF you don't have children (or adolescent children) - because I'm sure you know someone who does.

Until next time...

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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