Subject: Only open if you're ready to take control

I grew up with a single mother.

My mom was a nurse (something I was proud of).

She was also an alcoholic with a knack for hooking up with the wrong guys (something I wasn’t so proud of).

Sometimes she was home, cooking an amazing gourmet meal.

Sometimes she was out all night drinking.

And sometimes she was home crying her eyes out (to her 12-year old daughter), dishing about all the bad men in her life.

I never knew who I’d wake up to (or even if I’d wake up with her there at all).

To say that uncertainty was the norm is an understatement.

Although I didn’t know it at the time, my childhood made me into the woman I am now.  Tough as nails. Resilient. Happy.

But here’s the thing: I had to CHOOSE that.

For years, I struggled. I told myself that I’d been dealt a bad hand, believing that I was predestined for a rough life.

Eventually I wizened up and realized that my experiences taught me to adapt. 

That’s when I changed my story from one that was keeping me trapped in a life of worry (even failure) into one of grace, resilience and strength.

Why tell you all this?

Just because the future (heck, even the present) is uncertain doesn’t mean that you have to be.  Because you have a choice too. . . 
  • in what you choose to take from your experiences, 
  • in the story you tell yourself,
  • in who you are.
It's time to re-frame your stories, Friend.  Start with the one that's repeating inside of your head right now (about what's going on in the world).

And be sure to hit reply and tell me how you're choosing to change your stories.  I read every email and promise to get back to you.

A Special Offer to Help You Choose

Re-framing is one of the many lessons covered during my mindset mastery training sessions held over the past 6 weeks.

Because times are so uncertain and so many people need these right now, I'm offering all 6 sessions in one bundle at a special price through the end of next week (for just $25).

Here's what's covered inside the Master Your Mindset Bundle:
  • how to create more certainty no matter how uncertain life feels,
  • a simple exercise to tame worry, anxiety and fear,
  • how to process emotions for more resilience (and to stop a spinning mind),
  • how to increase confidence while decreasing stress through self-talk,
  • using gratitude for more happiness (even when times are tough), and
  • cognitive re-framing for less stress and a healthier mindset.
Basically, you'll learn how to develop a strong, resilient mind and start feeling happier (even now).

Now is your chance to make your choice.  Grab the Master Your Mindset Bundle here:

Buy the Bundle>


P.S. I'm serious that you've got to choose for yourself (no one can do this for you). The Master Your Mindset Bundle is the perfect way to start choosing.  For more information, check out the Master Your Mindset Bundle here.

P.P.S.  I'm also serious about wanting to hear from you.  Hit reply and tell me how you're choosing to start re-framing your own stories.  I read every email and will get back to you.
About Heather
Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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