Subject: One simple question: what if you could?

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Now, on to the good stuff...

You need to be reminded of something important (that you've forgotten), Friend.

When my first son (Zachary) was learning to walk, I was mesmerized by his persistence.  He would stand up using our coffee table, let go and then fall right back down before taking a single step.

Sometimes he would hit his elbow.  And other times he'd even hit his head.  Often he'd end up crying (mostly due to frustration).

But then he'd get back up and try again.

Before long, he was taking his first steps.  And soon thereafter, he was walking (which quickly turned to running).

About 5 years later, I was once again fascinated while watching my son Noah go through the same process.

Failure never seemed to bother either of them.  Every time they fell, they got back up and tried again regardless of. . . how hard they fell, how frustrated they were, or even whether they'd been hurt.

Not only were they persistent, but they didn't care about what happened next or how they'd even get across the room.  All that mattered was that first step.  After that happened, they then made their next choice.  

Once upon a time, that was you too.  Persistent.  Believing you could.  Not worrying over the "how".

What If You Could?

Children believe anything is possible and that they can do whatever they set their minds to. And they don't give up easily.  

But somewhere along the way, we're taught to doubt ourselves, to question our abilities, and to be more "realistic" about what's possible.

We start obsessing on "how" we'll get from where we are now to where we ultimately want our dream life to be.  But that seems so far off that it's overwhelming.  

And so we slowly allow those dreams to die (and they become whimsical fantasies).

But what could happen if you still believed?  

What would you be capable of?  

Who could you become?

Here's the thing that you're forgetting: the "how" changes as you continue along your journey.  Heck, your dreams will likely evolve over time anyway.

That's why all you need to worry about is your next 1-2 steps.  Once you complete them, you can then figure out your next step forward.

So, the question I have for you today is this...

What's the FIRST STEP you can take today to get you closer to your dream life?

I can't promise that you'll achieve everything you dream of.  And I'm not saying to dream of something that's obviously unrealistic (you're not likely to become the next president of the United States).

But you'll certainly achieve more by taking action on your dreams than you will if you did nothing and merely fantasized about them.  And your life will be fuller, more enjoyable, and more meaningful too.

Before you go, reply to this email and tell me what that next step is for you.  Not only will this help you to actually DO IT, but I'll respond with some tips to help you get started.

Here's to taking that one next step...

Ready to STOP feeling overwhelmed while doubting your decisions, but instead feel confident about the path you're on while having loads more fun?  If you're a serious + high-performing professional who:
  1. KNOWS that you're meant for more;
  2. IS NOT AFRAID of investing in yourself to drastically improve your life; and
  3. Is READY for success on your own terms, from the inside-out...
Then schedule your free, no-obligation call with me now to see how we can partner together to create the life you want.  It's time to start believing in yourself and make your dreams a reality, don't you think?

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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