Subject: Not supposed to celebrate this (but do)

Back when I had cancer, I watched my fellow chemo compatriots ring the bell on their last day of treatment with envy.

[Cancer patients often ring a ceremonial bell to celebrate a stage of treatment ending].

During my first few weeks of treatment, I couldn’t wait to ring that bell.

Yet when my day came, I didn’t want to ring it.

It didn’t feel right to celebrate.

That’s how I’ve felt for most of the past 11 years. But as my 11-year cancer anniversary came and went last month, I celebrated that I’m now considered “cured”.

Not in the let’s-have-a-big-party way but in my own reflective way.

Because I’m thankful for the lessons learned through my cancer journey. And for where cancer has led me.

I would still be practicing law if I had never had cancer. Which wouldn’t be a bad thing (I enjoyed my practice, clients and firm).

But I feel more aligned in what I do now.

Passing this milestone got me thinking about all the lessons learned thanks to cancer. Which is yet another reason for celebration. And I’m sharing some of the biggest ones with you today, Friend.

Listen to What Cancer Taught Me >>> here to learn the life-changing lessons I learned courtesy of breast cancer.



P.S. Today we also celebrate the 100th episode of the Life & Law Podcast. I wanted this episode to be special, which is why I chose to share these life-changing lessons with you today. Listen >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.