Subject: Not possible (so you can let go)

I shouldn’t have to do this any more.

[Said a client who had recently been promoted to partner about an administrative task that needed to get done].

I’ve heard this again and again throughout my career.

You get to a certain “level”, and think you shouldn’t have to do certain things any more. Like the boring, administrative tasks you don’t like doing.

You want everything to feel more fun.

Sorry to burst your bubble but that’s not going to happen.

Yes, sometimes boring tasks go away as you move up the proverbial ladder (usually because it’s no longer part of your job description and someone else takes over).

But not all of them. And new tasks (you won’t love doing) will likely be added to your plate.

The truth is there will always be something you’ve got to do that you don’t like.

There’s this belief (partly thanks to fellow life coaches) that loving what you do means loving…

Every moment.

Every task.

Every person.

It’s an impossible standard.

Case in point: my husband orders stuff online we don’t need (but he believes we’ll one day need).

Because he doesn’t want to forget about these things, he won’t put them away. For 6+ months (and longer), they sit on our formal dining room table.

It drives me bananas.

This is something I’d change about him (in a heartbeat) if I could.

Despite that, I still adore him.

If you can’t love everything about your spouse, how can you possibly expect to love everything about what you do for a living?

The trick is finding a career (and organization + role) that’s enjoyable for you on the whole. So that you can do the hard stuff, the menial stuff, the stuff you don't love (or even like) without much complaint.

Because it's worth it for the rest.

Where do you apply unreasonable standards, Friend?

Let go of them. You’ll be happier for it.



P.S. Something I don't always love yet need to do for my business is keeping up with SEO (search engine optimization). It’s how my articles and podcasts get found.

Which is why I brought Annette Choti onto the podcast this week to dish all things SEO (and why care). Listen now >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.