Subject: Not a secret (it's just hard)

You’re too old. This isn’t working. You’re a laughingstock.

Looking at me now, you might think I’ve always had a successful coaching/consulting business.

But that was what was running through my mind 3 years after I started this business.

Because I was failing. My brain wasn’t being all that unreasonable.

  • I wasn’t making the money I had expected (not even close).

  • I didn’t like the type of coaching I was doing (back then, I was a generic career coach).

  • I was struggling at online marketing.

There was a much bigger learning curve to owning my own coaching/consulting practice than I’d imagined. And I was learning that having a dream wasn’t enough.

The one thing I had going for me?

I was willing.

Willing to try new things.

Willing to be wrong.

Willing to make mistakes.

Willing to look like an idiot.

Willing to ask for help.

Towards the end of that third year, my husband asked if I would consider going back to my old law firm.

Despite his (obvious) worry over the then-current state of my business (and our finances as a result), I never even considered going back.

I dug in, hired a new coach and kept going.

And yes, it worked.

I’ve exceeded my goals since then while serving the people I feel most aligned to. I even got pretty good at online marketing (to the point where I can help others get good at it, too).

Success is never guaranteed yet anyone can achieve success. Because success is about fulfilling your fullest potential and not giving up.

Do that and you will achieve much. Maybe not exactly as first imagined. Perhaps not as quickly as you’d like.

The thing to know is this… You won’t be successful if you're not willing.

Willing to be vulnerable.

Willing to learn (which includes making mistakes and failing along the way).

Willing to do the hard work.

Are you willing, Friend?

I hope so because what I know to be true is that it's worth it.



P.S. Are you an attorney willing to do the work to get yourself and your practice to the next level? Here’s how I can help.

And here's where to schedule a call to chat about the specifics together.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.