Subject: No choice, Friend? Think again.

How often do you find yourself saying and/or thinking:

I have no choice.

There’s no other option.

It's the only way.

I'm certain you say these things upon occasion (we all do). What’s worse is that you likely think these things without even realizing it.

Your brain wants you to stick with the obvious path before you because it’s the one you’re already on. It’s the safe path because it is (supposedly) known.

[I'd argue with that last point. Even the smartest minds can't predict the future no matter what path you're on].

The truth is there are always other options. Some of them might be easier. Others won't be easier yet might be better for you in the long run.

By opening yourself up to all options available to you, you will make more informed (and more empowered) decisions.

This is true even if you end up choosing the thing you previously believed was your only option.

To learn more about why - and more importantly, how - to consider all options, listen to this week's Life & Law podcast >>>here.

It's less than 15 minutes long yet powerful (so no excuses, Friend).



P.S. If you’re an attorney who is ready to open yourself up to all options available, and would like an expert coach to help you discover them all (so you can become the impactful lawyer & person you want to be), schedule a quick Breakthrough Call with me here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.