Subject: No, I'm not kidding about this

About a week ago I was invited to an event to "celebrate" Breast Cancer Awareness Month (also known as BCAM).  And I immediately broke into a cold sweat.

This happens from time to time - typically whenever someone asks me about BCAM or to support or go to an event relating to it.  Why?

Because I can't stand Breast Cancer Awareness Month - even though most people expect me to be very "rah rah" about it as a "survivor".

When I tell people this, they're often shocked.  And they think that I'm joking. 

But I'm not.

When this happens, I feel as though I have to explain myself - and get nervous about the reaction I'll get.  Because, although you'll find people out there with the same opinion, it's not the most popular (most people go all-in on BCAM).

I tried to write about this a year ago on my personal blog.  And, if you're a long-time reader of mine, you'll likely remember the original article.  But I received quite a bit of feedback, push back, and questions about it.  And that made me realize that I hadn't explained myself well at all.

So, I'm back at it this year to re-iterate and expand upon my original points.

To find out exactly why I'm not a fan of BCAM (and why I keep putting "survivor" in quotes), check out my latest article at YourTango. 

I think that this topic is an important one and therefore ask that you share it with your friends and family - using the share buttons at the top of the article.

All my best,


P.S. Although I wrote about this last year, this is truly a new article.  It's more expansive and answers some of the questions and commentary I received last year.  So, even if you're a long-time reader, please take a look at the new post.  Besides, it's written more clearly than the original post and in a more organized manner.  Which means that I'm (thankfully) learning to become a better writer - whoo hoo!! ;-).
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