Subject: Need a break from your life? Here's why that's dangerous (and what to do about it), Friend

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
How often do you feel like you need to escape from your life? I’m not talking about wanting to take a vacation.  What I’m talking about is the desire to run away from your life and your overwhelming obligations and not come back.

You’re bone weary and wondering if this is all there is to your life (and desperately want the answer to be “no”).  And you especially feel this way in those moments when you’re most exhausted.  Like when you arrive home late after a long day of work to find dirty dishes, laundry, and hungry kids that need your attention.

Although you’re exhausted, stressed-out, and worried that you're burning out, you’re not sure how to fix it.  

But are you sure about that, Friend?

Because you know that you need to take better care of yourself. 

What you’re not sure about is how to fit it into your already busy schedule. So, you’ve resigned yourself to live this way. 

And, given that it's now the norm to live with stress and exhaustion, you think you can just keep carrying on.

But I have a warning for you...

You’re putting your health (even your life) in danger.

Besides, you have the time to take care of yourself.  That excuse we all use isn't true. 

What if I told you that:
  • you can take good care of yourself without spending a ton of time on it;
  • good self-care will increase your energy, relax you, and make you happier; and
  • self-care increases your ability focus and your creative problem-solving skills.
This means that self-care will make you more productive and will help you get more done in less time.

It's time to take the first step.  Make the decision to do it NOW by reading my latest YourTango article 8 Things to Try Before You Totally Break Down From Stress and Anxiety.  This is a short read - yet packed with powerful information (so no excuses about not having enough time).

In it you'll learn:
  • why unchecked chronic stress is dangerous to your health;
  • the mindset around self-care to adopt NOW to help you better prioritize it and start feeling better FAST; and
  • 8 simple self-care ideas that are easy to do and won't take much time.
Once you're done with the article I want you to commit to doing something for YOU.  You can do that by either replying to this email and letting me know what you're committing to do or you can do it publicly by sharing my article on Facebook and telling the world (also tag me so that I can see what you've committed to).

It's time to commit to YOU.

Believing in you,

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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