Subject: My step-by-step formula to achieve any goal

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
Do you ever notice that some people seem to achieve almost any goal they set - with less effort (and while having more fun)? 

You know the type: the goal-achievement super stars.

I remember noticing this in the early days of my legal career. There were several partners that I idolized - because it seemed as though they could do no wrong.  Seriously, almost every goal they set for themselves was achieved. 

And they enjoyed their journey along the way more than I ever had (up until this point, I thought goal-achievement was nothing but hustle and hard work).

At first, I figured they were lucky.  But deep down I knew that there was more to it.

So, I started to observe them and realized that there was a reason why they achieved their goals with relative ease (and while having more fun).  What was this reason?  Actually, there were two things they did incredibly well:
  1. They knew exactly what they wanted and set their goals accordingly (which we've already covered in past articles); and
  2. They had a system in place that helped them achieve their goals - a system that helped with planning, allowed them to be flexible, and kept them motivated along the way.
After studying them (and figuring out their systems), I decided to put a system of my own together.  Over the years, I've updated and tweaked this system based on the latest research and information on what works (and why).  And I've streamlined it as well.

And today, I'm sharing my system with you.

Friend, if you're interested in achieving the goals you've so carefully set for yourself, go read about the 7 Must-Follow Rules to Accomplish Your Goals

These rules are NOT general in nature.  They're a specific step-by-step framework on how to plan for successful goal achievement and then go do what's necessary in order to accomplish your goals.

Now, I don't promise that you will achieve every goal you set.  To be honest, some of that is truly up to you (and how realistic your goals are). 

But I do promise that using this system will help you stay more motivated, plan properly, and do the work necessary to accomplish your goals.  And that's all any system can do for you, isn't it?

Before I go, I have a quick announcement to make (drum roll, please):  My first Facebook Live has been rescheduled and will be WEDNESDAY JANUARY 31 (tomorrow night) at 6:00 pm (CST).  I truly hope to see you there.

I know that you're busy and may not be available at that time. So, if you aren't available to meet me live and are interested in seeing the content that's being presented tomorrow night, you can hop on over to my Facebook Page when you have time and give it a watch (it will still be there once I'm done). 

My first topic is all about setting a theme for the year (why set one, how to set one, how to use it) and common goal-setting mistakes (and how NOT to fall into these traps).  Although I've written on these topics, these Live sessions will go a bit deeper.  Plus, I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night.  And, in the meantime, read up on the 7 must-follow rules if you want to accomplish your goals with ease.

All my best,


P.S. Be sure to follow my Facebook Page if you want to be notified of when I'm live.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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