Subject: My secret to feeling in control of my life (and not letting anything take control over me)

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
Friend, do you ever feel like you have zero control over your life (and secretly wishing, wanting, needing to feel more in control - even if just a little)?

In today's hustle-filled world, it's easy to feel that way.  Totally out of control, overwhelmed, and wishing you could figure out a way to have control over your time, your path, your life.  This is certainly one of the biggest reasons my clients seek me out in the first place.

But I have a secret.  One that helped me finally get to a place of feeling in control of my life (and stay there).

My secret?  If you want to feel in control of your life, you must let go of trying to control everyone and everything around you and focus on controlling only one thing (it's the ONE THING you can control).

Let me explain...

You can't control 90% of what goes on within your life (because much of this is happening to you and relates to the outside world).  Trying to control how other people behave, think, and act is pointless - because it's impossible.  Moreover, attempting to control circumstances is insanity.

You will NEVER be able to control these things.  And trying to control them results in feeling frantically out-of-control.

Now, this may sound depressing - but it's not (I promise).

Because you can absolutely control YOU.  The mood you take on for the day, how you respond to difficult circumstances, your happiness level (which is different than your mood, by the way), and so on. 

A BIG piece to this puzzle is learning to take control over your emotions - so they don't take control over you.  And that means processing them through and getting yourself to a place of rational response (as opposed to allowing your emotions to get the better of you).

Last week, I had a quick free training on Facebook to go over EXACTLY how to process through your emotions (no matter how difficult they may be). 
If you missed the video and/or the email with the backstory to it all, I urge you to go read and watch them both NOW (they're BOTH now on my blog)

The story will take you only a couple of minutes to read (and the video is about 15 minutes long).  Isn't getting some of that control you've been craving worth 15-20 minutes of your time?

In my video, I share with you:
  1. the EXACT 4-step process I use to work through my emotions so that I can get to the other side of them and not let them control me
  2. why it's so important to go through this process (instead of ignoring or pretending the emotions don't exist) and how it helps
  3. several real-life examples on how to use the process (including when I was at one of the lowest points of my life).
This is a HUGE first step to feeling more in control of your life, so do yourself a favor and go watch the video (it's toward the bottom of the post).  And enjoy!


P.S. For the ladies out there who are interested in finding a supportive group and safe space to help you learn to make small shifts to your life for HUGE benefits, join my NEW private Facebook group for Soul-Savvy Professionals.  This if for you if you're a professional woman (sorry guys, this is ladies only for now) interested in: (1) support + inspiration + accountability to make the changes you most want to your life, and (2) additional trainings and free coaching from yours truly.
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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