As a coach to successful yet unfulfilled professionals, I get a LOT of people coming to me wanting more: - Fulfillment [or whatever other word they use to describe this].
Most come to me in a state of semi-panic because they've been trying to find more of this for a long while (and have - so far - been unsuccessful).
And they believe that they're never going to find it.
The thing is. . . They're right. Because you don't find your purpose, you create it.
The problem is that most people complicate this whole purpose thing (and our modern way of living is making it difficult to see).
The good news is that you can create more meaning and purpose in life (even passion!) by doing some pretty simple things.
This is a discovery I made myself several years into my legal career. One that I recently wrote about for Tiny Buddha and am happy to announce that I can finally share it with you (the article went live yesterday).
It's a short read - yet incredibly powerful (and helpful).
Once you've read it, I'd love to hear from you! Tell me what ONE ACTION you're going to take this week to start creating more purpose in your life.
You only get one life, Friend. Don't you think you deserve a life that feels purposeful (and that you're passionate about)?
I do.