Subject: My LinkedIn Content Creation Secrets

I am a pretty prolific writer.

After all, I write this weekly newsletter and post every weekday on LinkedIn. I am also back to writing articles on my blog (trying to do this once per month).

Which is why I get a lot of questions from clients and fellow entrepreneurs about:

  • Identifying fresh ideas (never running out of things to say).

  • How to write so much without it taking up a ton of time.

Because this keeps coming up (with individual clients, within my Mastermind and also when talking to lawyers who want to start writing on LinkedIn), I decided it was time to devote an episode of the podcast to this topic.

Listen to my LinkedIn Marketing Content Creation Secrets here to learn:

  • How to quickly brainstorm topics (generating 50+ ideas in a matter of minutes).

  • The exact framework that helps me create 5+ unique posts per topic.

This framework will help you quickly capture a ton of writing ideas and then turn them into numerous stand-alone posts that are compelling to your perfect audience.



Ready to grow your law practice?

Learn how ELEVATE Attorney Business Growth Mastermind can help through:

  • Strategic guidance from an expert.

  • Support from peers you trust (who are on a similar journey).

  • The foundation you need to create the practice you want.

Doors open this Fall and now is the time to get on the waitlist (which gives you bonuses such as a payment plan option and more individual coaching time with me).

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About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.