Subject: My #1 tip for a no-stress holiday

Stressed out just thinking about family gatherings at the holidays? Learn how to prepare and actually enjoy them (no matter what).

The holidays are upon us, which means family gatherings. With the people you love (to the moon and back) yet aren’t always aligned with.

Maybe you’re looking forward to those family gatherings.

But if you’re like the rest of us, you’re probably dreading them at least a little bit.

Because it also means:

  • Having to listen to your sister-in-law's political opinions.

  • Aunt Penny's constant nagging; and/or

  • Your brother's “advice” about how to raise your kids.

The good news is I’ve got you covered, Friend.

In today’s Life & Law Podcast, I’ll teach you how to prepare yourself and actually have fun.

The truth is you can choose how you want to think and feel ahead of time. You can even stay calm, relaxed and grateful no matter what anyone else does or says.

Although I can’t make you feel amazing after having crammed 3 meals into one, I CAN help you feel mentally prepared, confident and in control (of your feelings and thoughts).

Listen >>>here to find out how.



P.S. As for holiday overeating, you can either not eat so much (I know, I can’t do that either) OR do what my sister Amy does… Wear super comfy, loose pants and just not worry about it for a day.

P.P.S. What I'm teaching you today applies to any gathering, whether it's for family, your work holiday party or something else entirely. Listen here now.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Learn about how here.